Learning Library

Our comprehensive selection of learning and development workshops

Explore our library of original, dynamic and transformative workshops.

Courses that enhance skills and mindsets

Harborbridge courses guide participants through a journey of self-discovery, rapid growth and sustainable development. Here, learning isn’t just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about evolving, adapting and making a lasting impact.

All developmental workshops draw from real-world experiences, are backed by research and crafted to resonate with both emerging and established leaders. Our perspective is rooted in fostering genuine growth, emphasizing introspection, collaboration and practical strategies that can be implemented immediately.

Explore our Learning Library below and discover how we can empower you and your organization to unlock potential, drive meaningful change and cultivate a culture of continuous learning and innovation.


  • Supercharge your ability to comprehend others' thoughts and perspectives, building connection, trust, fueling innovation, and facilitating efficient problem-solving. Learn to listen beyond the surface, unveiling authentic meanings and fresh ideas. Increase your capability to foster meaningful connections and create an environment where individuals feel acknowledged and valued.

  • Assertiveness does not equate to aggression or confrontation but rather entails expressing opinions, needs, and boundaries while respecting others' rights and perspectives. Learn the techniques for verbal and non-verbal assertive communication and enhance self-awareness regarding personal triggers for passive or aggressive communication, enabling you to overcome them effectively.

  • Are you a Dove, Owl, Peacock or Eagle? Together we will uncover your communication style and natural communication tendencies in different circumstances. Gain self-awareness and understand the strengths and pitfalls of your approach. In addition, learn to identify and adapt to others' preferred communication styles in order to reduce tension and increase cooperation and trust.

  • Avoid the advice trap and broaden possibilities through coaching. Embrace a curiosity mindset, ask powerful questions and dig deeper to uncover valuable insights. Discover how active listening and curiosity fuels creativity, inspires reflection and guides individuals towards their own solutions.

  • Discover how to turn uncomfortable confrontations into empathetic and authentic dialogues that build trust. This session provides a comprehensive exploration of the Compassionate Confrontation Model, equipping you with the necessary tools for successful conflict resolution. You will learn how to communicate your point of view, listen to understand and align on next steps. You will gain confidence in handling unproductive conflict responses such as deflection, defensiveness and dismissal.

  • Learning your expectations is one thing, communicating them is another. Master the art of setting clear expectations to build trust, respect and buy-in. Discover how emotions and behavioral trends can serve as guides for identifying implicit expectations. Gain the tools and strategies to then effectively communicate these expectations in a concise manner, promoting clarity and understanding among your team.

  • Acquire strategic insights for confident workplace negotiations that foster positive relationships. Master collaborative problem-solving and effective communication techniques for optimal results. Equip yourself with tangible skills such as mirroring and labeling, and cultivate a discovery mindset to maintain open dialogues and co-create win-win solutions.

  • Delivering impactful recognition and feedback is essential for building strong teams, trusting relationships and driving results. Adopt a productive mindset and approach to giving feedback and learn how to harness these conversations for behavioral change. Learn the communication techniques of SBI and SBIRR with hands-on practice and real life examples. This session will leave you feeling confident in your ability to deliver solutions-oriented feedback in a manner that is both clear and kind.

  • Receiving feedback is a priceless opportunity for growth and development, despite the potential discomfort. This session focuses on cultivating a positive mindset towards receiving feedback, moving from defensiveness to a mindset of discovery. Grow your courage and ability to ask insightful questions for a deeper understanding and learn strategies to effectively incorporate feedback for continuous growth.

Healthy Productivity

  • Accountability is more than just about getting things done. When communicated properly, accountability can foster trust, enhance teamwork and nurture supportive and respectful relationships. Adopt a growth mindset surrounding accountability and how to communicate appropriately when holding someone accountable. In addition, learn the different stages of accountability and how to respond when a situation warrants escalation.

  • While stress is inevitable, burnout arises when one becomes trapped in chronic workplace stress. Learn how to both prevent and respond to burnout. Build your strategy for a burnout-resistant culture by setting clear expectations, developing a supportive community and recognizing more than just results.

  • Uncover the advantages of delegation for both you and your team and discover how to leverage delegation for people development, productivity and motivation. Gain the skills to effectively delegate using the principles of Teach, Test and Trust, enabling you to position your team and business for success. Develop a structured system for follow-up and supervision of delegated tasks and projects.

  • Make your one-on-ones more productive and purposeful. Learn the execution and delivery skills for effective goals, touchbases and performance evaluations. Embrace a mindset that fosters connection, supports team growth and authentically reflects your intentions. Leave equipped to drive impactful results, inspire progress and increase engagement.

  • Successfully building new habits is not come from motivation and willpower alone. Instead, the secret to building a habit that lasts is adopting a productive mindset and following the four key elements to make it purposeful and sustainable. In this session you will learn how to set yourself and your team up for success by implementing these fundamental habit strategies.

  • Boost your productivity and output through practical strategies and proven techniques, streamlining tasks and managing time effectively for remarkable results. Explore the Focus Funnel methodology to efficiently eliminate, automate, and delegate tasks, leaving you equipped with tools and insights to increase the impact of your efforts.

  • Harness the power of effective time management and prioritization to elevate your leadership effectiveness. Discover methods to balance and streamline tasks, fostering efficient use of time and resources to achieve your desired outcomes. Through this course, you'll develop a keen understanding of strategic prioritization, learning to discern critical tasks, and make informed decisions to avoid the pitfalls of overwhelm and inefficiency.

Trusting Teams

  • Within the workplace, boundaries are essential for healthy relationships, respectful interactions and enhanced employee well-being. Learn to have boundary setting conversations with others, understanding both their boundaries and learning to express your own. Develop greater self-awareness surrounding previously unexpressed boundaries and an implementation plan to set and maintain them.

  • Building a culture of perseverance is essential for fostering resilience and determination, enabling teams to navigate challenges and achieve long-term success. Learn innovative strategies for nurturing perseverance within teams, ensuring a steadfast pursuit of objectives even when faced with headwinds and uncertainty.

  • Transform debates from win-lose battles to catalysts for innovation and collaboration. This course will guide you through reshaping your perception of debates, overcoming the need to be "right," and fostering a culture of cooperative decision-making. Harness the power of debates to fuel significant results and cultivate robust relationships.

  • Inclusion and acceptance, without fear of being embarrassed, marginalized or punished, is essential for building psychologically safe environments. That being said, even the most well-intentioned leaders, can possess blindspots that result in a lack of inclusion amongst their team. This causes siloing, disengagement, turnover and creates lasting damage to employee well-being. In this session, you will learn the connection between Psychological Safety and Inclusion, the impact it has on individuals and organizations, and practical strategies to overcome these blindspots and foster inclusion through familiarity and connection.

  • Develop and cultivate a productive working rapport with senior leaders. This training gives you strategies, techniques and tools to improve your career and build trusting relationships. Engage in interactive dialogues and gain insightful knowledge, fostering increased collaboration and partnership with senior personnel.

  • Foster an environment where teams can express ideas, take risks, and deliver their best work. This session empowers leaders with tools to cultivate team psychological safety, exploring its core elements and impact on dynamics, innovation, and performance. Learn communication skills that encourage open dialogue and vulnerability, empowering diverse perspectives and effective collaboration.

  • Knowing what a person values is a window into how they see the world. Clarify, define and communicate your personal values and learn how to Values Mine in order to identify the values of others. Gain greater emotional intelligence and a deeper level of empathy through understanding other people’s core motivations and guiding principles. Learn values-based communication and decision making skills to increase influence and buy-in.

Employee Engagement

  • Empower individuals to find meaning in their work through effective messaging and emphasizing the ABC's—Agency, Belonging, and Cause. In this session, you will learn how to link tasks with their broader impact on personal growth, colleagues and the community. By fostering this understanding, you will boost motivation, cultivate commitment and instill a profound sense of purpose in the workplace.

  • Explore the skill of creating a motivating work environment that encourages outstanding results, innovation and steadfast commitment. Adopt attitudes that enhance, not lessen, motivation and learn to highlight the importance of each task. Master providing the perfect balance of support, challenge and autonomy to elevate team engagement. Complement your learning with a self-assessment, leading to a custom action plan for boosting your team's motivation.

  • Meet people where they are and learn to be the right partner for any situation. Master tailoring your leadership to meet your team's developmental needs using the Situational Leadership framework. Gain skills to diagnose competence and commitment levels for tasks and provide targeted leadership support. Harness this framework to optimize motivation, foster growth and effectively cultivate your team's professional development.


  • Enhance your communication skills and cultivate a confident presence, even in stressful circumstances. Learn effective techniques for self-management, foster a positive mindset, eliminate diminishing language and sharpen your non-verbal communication abilities to leave a lasting impression in every interaction. Gain self-awareness of your current level of confident communication and build strategies for how to improve.

  • Acquaint yourself with your Inner Critic, recognizing its impact on your actions and self-worth. Identify and counteract self-sabotaging messages, shifting them into constructive self-talk, using research-backed methods from cognitive behavioral psychology, Positive Intelligence, and Co-Active Coaching. Reinforce your understanding through insightful self-reflection and thought-provoking conversations.

  • Embark on a profound self-awareness journey with guided mindfulness. Recognize your source of self-acceptance and self-authority, your Inner Leader, who you can turn to for insight and guidance. Create your practice for harnessing your Inner Leader for bold, empowered actions.

  • Embark on a journey to understand Saboteurs — the internal voices that impede success and happiness. This session offers techniques for rewiring your mind for resilience and positivity, equipping you with tools to defeat self-sabotage, elevate productivity, and promote a confident leadership style. Learn to replace negative patterns with empowering thoughts and actions, breaking free from self-imposed limitations and embracing a positive leadership approach.

  • Reframe your mindset about what defines a strength and a weakness. Deepen your self-awareness on your strengths and weaknesses and learn how to adapt your behaviors, using this knowledge as a lens. Unlock your full potential for performance and professional fulfillment.

Navigating Change

  • This session offers an in-depth understanding of the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) concept and its impact on leadership. Gain practical tactics to succeed in complex, unpredictable environments. Equip yourself with the necessary skills and mindset for informed decision-making, fostering resilience, and inspiring your team amid uncertainty.

  • Gain crucial skills and mindsets to confidently overcome obstacles. Learn to shift your perspective and take decisive action, dodging stagnation traps. Amplify your mental resilience by adopting empowering mindsets, enhancing your adaptability and innovativeness in the face of setbacks.