Performance Reviews: Moving Beyond Compliance

Over my many years in the field as a People Manager, I have completed hundreds, if not thousands, of annual performance evaluations.

My first thought when approaching review season was always, “How in the world am I going to get all of this done?”

Between compiling metrics, goal setting, creating individual documents and administering the reviews - just being compliant with the requirements can feel like a major accomplishment. Yet, I have also learned that just compliance is not enough. You also need to consider the impact annual reviews have on an employee’s motivation and use the review period as a valuable opportunity to improve team engagement and performance in the upcoming year.

In our upcoming Free-to-Attend Workshop, Katie and I will share HOW to harness the full potential performance evaluations for the greatest impact, and in this article, I will explain WHY performance evaluations are directly connected to increasing motivation and engagement.

People love to achieve goals! Accomplishing a challenging goal is so motivating that people will spend their free time completing 1000-piece puzzles, climbing mountains and running marathons. Annual Performance Reviews are the finish line for individuals within our business. Using this opportunity to formally celebrating the goals they achieved and their hard work is therefore a significant touchpoint for our employees.

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Growth is Motivating: Studies within behavioral science have found time and time again that progress and working towards our highest potential is a key factor for intrinsic motivation. Performance Evaluations are an important time to tap into this drive through development plans and career conversations. Whether its referred to as Mastery, Growth or Self-Actualization, taking the time during a Performance Evaluation to help your direct reports create a strategy for their own personal will create motivation.

Linking Rewards to Results: People display higher levels of motivation when we help them connect the dots between their effort, performance and rewards. If your company gives annual increases or bonuses without tying it to a Performance Evaluation it is a missed opportunity. Don’t get me wrong, people will appreciate the reward, but to make the greatest impact on motivation the reward needs to have a clear link to the individual’s performance.

In midst of this busy season, let’s give reviews the attention and effort they deserve and utilize them as an opportunity to build the engagement and motivation of our teams. Join us November 30th for our Free-to-Attend Online Learning Event to learn more about how to maximize this key employee touch point. Secure your spot and unlock the potential to transform your performance reviews into powerful tools for team development and success!


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